Lemme focus on the damage for You

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Ejabba edooku 1 1 0 1.0

leouz 63

eDooku eJabba Aggro

Hi everybody! I'm Leouz and This is my eDooku/eJabba aggro (yes) deck.

"You don't need those cards, take this damage instead"

This deck is a variant of the more common Control version, Include all sort of weapon: Blue a Yellow because your purpose is full equip your character and slain your enemies.

"OK, it's aggro but why Jabba?!"
again, WHAT?!

I Know, Jabba the Hutt don't seem really an Aggro, but with hes ability he can re-roll a Yellow Upgrade to a better result and he have a really good dice for our purpose:

  • 2x 1 Let you maximize your damage instead getting angry about your dices, probably the best result
  • 2 Ok, it's not the best but remember, if he don't have resource he can't defend himself!
  • 2 In my opinion it's always a good option, you know: less card = less chance, and can be used instead pass the action.
  • 1 Because weapons cost
  • s'..'t happens

Show me the path
Playing this deck since the first turn you have to play at least 1 Upgrade per turn and with the Imperial Armory you can do it one more time. At the begin I prefer give some love to Count Dooku to be focused by the Enemy.

Some tricks ?Sure, you have to pay attention to assign your upgrades, a core feature it's the Redeploy ability of [Gaffi Stick](/card/01025) and [Lightsaber](/card/01059), so if your enemy focus a Character you have to assign him Redeploy-able upgrades because the cases are 2:

Focused Jabba

Just Arm Dooku with Flame Thrower and Immobilize having a nice damage output with some control by Immobilize. Giving The Gaffi Stick to Jabba you can control more he's result with the Jabba special. At the Jabba death (he die really easily) you will have a Count Dooku full equipped, nothing to say.

Focused Dooku

Here the situation it's different, you have to strike hard with Count Dooku using all the Lightsaber and Gaffi Stick's (they hurt), you can equip Jabba with the Flame Thrower. Dooku have to fight hard until his death, but now it's too late because hes ability the enemy will take many time to kill him. The all Weapons will go to Jabba and he need only to close the game.
Can you give use some result's ?

In a Local tournament with 12 Partecipants I have played this deck winning 5 games in a row and just loosing the Final against Masnonet with he's From Mon Calamari With Love Deck. Thanks for the attentions, i would appreciate you feedback! If you liked my work consider to use the like buttons!
7 Kommentare

Diehardlurch 1

Palumtra 1

Doesn't worth it for Immobilize and Force Training, where the latter can be put on Jabba even without holocron.

MaxMcNugget 103

A really cool idea, I might switch out Scramble and 1 copy of Intimidate for Sith Holocron and Force Choke or Force Throw or Mind Probe.

leouz 63

@Diehardlurch``@Palumtra``@MaxMcNugget I don't think Sith Holocron would be a worth inclusion just for 4 cards, Force Training don'have the blue restriction so it don't need the Holocron at all, and in my opinion the Holocron is too slow for this play-style. Probably Force Choke it's a better inclusion than Immobilize

OttRod 16

Why Ace in the Home if not running crimelord?

leouz 63

@OttRod yes not really a perfect card but it can work in a "Try Hard" turn with a Flame Thrower or the Gaffi Stick

Siege 77
