PadRey Mill

Chancen: 0% – 0% mehr
Abgeleitet von
Nicht abgeleitet. Das ist ein selbst gemachtes Deck.
Inspiration für
Noch keine.

BobaFatt 2

Been running this deck for a little bit. Can't really get over the hump with it though. Done well against eJango/eVeers and eRey/eHan but can't finish the mill. Usually falls a round short. Matches up better against eVader/Raider. It's strictly mill not putting out any damage rally unless there is no other choice. Close Quarters Assaultworks well with the Rey dice and Rey's Staff Also, with all the focus you can use Close Quarters Assault and the melee dice to discard then change her dice to discard as well. Any advice would be appreciated, but like I said, it's more of a fun deck to play than competitive I guess.

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