Unstoppable Sticks

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Inspiration für
Kanan Barriss 0 0 0 1.0

lij_xo 252

Another deck focusing on the insane power of Kanan and his Lightsaber, but with more auto-focus built in with Barriss Offee - Studious Padawan. The idea is simple: if you have the lightsaber on Kanan and Barriss has rolled in, on activation you get 3, 2, and +2 automatically. Activating with Ewok Ambush means you get to resolve immediately before passing back. Along with the rest of your melee dice, that means at least 7 and usually more free damage that can't be mitigated. Pretty huge.

I expect people will try multiple builds with this lineup, but this is the one that is working for me so far. Free Grappling Arms are actually insane, and without red mods we need all we can get for Chopper to play his part. We also need to play as much draw as we can to dig for Kanan's saber, and all of the powerful blue mitigation and shields help us keep the blue characters alive.

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