ABC - Anakin, Biggs, Chopper

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TurkeyClubSamich 118

Use Armored Reinforcement to fetch the Millennium Falcon and make use of Biggs Darklighter - Rebellion Ace's activation ability in conjunction with Anakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy's droid die fixing for quick and consistent dice. Dropping a Rocket Booster on Chopper - Metal Menace is excellent, as you can use that card's ability to action cheat, discard it, and then put it right back on Chopper - Metal Menace with his power action. Instigate and I Performed Violence provide extra speed. You'll be claiming often enough to reliably use Aerial Advantage, usually to full effect. Chalmun's Cantina - Tatooine gives you several options for re-rolling. You can choose from any of your pilot dice, or you can re-roll Chopper - Metal Menace's die and follow it up with a re-roll of a Hailfire Droid Tank or Mr. Bones die, not to mention any of the potential subtype matches your opponent might bring.

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