Phasma’s Fleet

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Phasma 0 0 0 2.0

Bigulf 821

This is the deck I am taking to my next local tourney. Trying to think a little outside the box. I can get 3 Ties out turn one pretty easily and sometimes all 4, turn 2 I put out everything else and do some damage, turn 3 I lay down the smack.

6 Kommentare

Imperial Spy 178

Hmm seems pretty interesting. I like the inclusion of Firmus. His ability only works on the 2x FOST dice you have and the ties. Other than that it seems good

Bigulf 821

Don’t forget the FOST dice from Megablaster Troopers.

ShepDogg921 59

I certainly like the idea. Mama always said, "Phasma so angry because she got all dem supports and no Tech Teams."

Bigulf 821

I originally had Tech Team in the deck but buy turn 3 I was done playing supports, so it typically netted me 1, maybe 2 resources if I saw it turn 1. I thought it was more valuable to get cards that were more co distant in their value.

ShepDogg921 59

Yeah, that makes sense, good observation.

Bigulf 821

Turn 1: Play Tie Fighter, Power Action Phasma, Roll In Firmus Piett - Ambitious Admiral turn all 3 dice to money, play another Tie, Rill our Phasma (hope to get money or Focus) play as many TIE Fighters as you can (usually 3, sometimes 4). Turn 2 Roll in all Ties and Power Action Phasma, get money to play Megablaster, Roll then out deal a ton of damage, turn 3 GO CRAZY!