Load'er Up

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Load'er Up 0 0 1 2.0

cyberjax 83

Focused on getting out the falcon turn 1 and then loading it up and activating as many times a turn as you can.

3 Kommentare

vitalis09 331

Turn 1 Falcon is super fun deck, Im abusing it since ATG launch but I see few inconsistencies in your version:

-Imperial Academy - Lothal, why not Weapons Factory Alpha - Cymoon 1? You almost never claim with this deck. But you win battlefield sometimes and Falcon for 4 instead of 5 can be huge.

-Isn't Rebel Engineer better suited for mod deck than Rose - Skilled Mechanic? He also got 2 res on his dice, and 2 focuses can be huge. Also he links to...

-11 mods is WAY to many. You will end with too many dead cards in late game. With Rebel Engineer you could cut it to as low as 6.

-2x Escape Craft is a waste. You cannot have both on the table anyway and you do not need to draw then as you want Millennium Falcon to tutor it anyway.

-Logistics >> Smuggler's Run as that round 1 Falcon is crucial, you need non random resource generation. And even on Anakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy ist still 50% that it will fail.

-Strategic Planning had a nerf. Now it is useless in Falcon deck as it cannot ready vehicle with mods... :(

I'm running 6 Resource generation cards to ensure Falcon round 1, only 6 mods (2x R2 Astromech, 2x Dorsal Turret, 2x Triple Laser Turret ) and rest is a bit more mitigation - you need to keep rest of your team live. Overall keep sculpting! Its super fun deck.

cyberjax 83

You bring up a lot of good stuff, thanks for the feedback! Well, this may explain some of the deck...my play group did not understand the 3 mod limit, we misunderstood and thought the ugrade limit was only on characters.

Didn't know about the strategic errata either :(.

Rose was mostly to counter the damage to vehicle -> remove mechanics, and with the misunderstanding about mods....didnt feel the need to try and get them out as much with the engineer.

Good point about the battlefield too, overall i'll have to do some major re-engineering!

vitalis09 331

@cyberjax Rose dmg mitigation is next to useless imo in this deck. I havent seen a single "Mauler" Mithel - Vader's Wingman deck around :) And if someone gonna try to wipe the Falcon its gonna be something like Rocket Launcher or N-1 Starfighter and Rose gonna do bollocks about it :P If you want to protect the Falcon use Shield Generator. And you need mods - Falcon itself gonna deal up to 4 damage. With just one turret it can jump up to 6-7.