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Grievous2/eAsajj 1 1 3 1.0
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Grievous2/eAsajj 0 0 0 3.0
2 Kommentare

Venator class star destroyer! 20

I really like it,but why the ranged dice, I’d think it would just slow the deck down, but maybe that’s just me.

SenhorDeTodoOMal 63

Basically it's a tempo deck, I drop weapons on General Grievous - Fearsome Cyborg as fast as possible so I can use his ability every turn.

If at least one Honed Skills comes out I can do it even if a die gets mitigated.

Asajj Ventress - Force Assassin and mitigation are there to slow down the opponent enough for me to kill his characters before he can do the same to me.

I have been having good results with this deck, even against Darth Vader - Terror To Behold, but against shields heavy decks it sometimes becomes an uphill battle.