Rose/Partisans I'd better give it a try...

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19 Player SC Winner - Rose and the Boys (w/ recap & guide) 23 21 6 1.0
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Hessian Sack 1338

Obviously, this isn't complete. I'm looking for suggestions to improve it. I wouldn't mind including Millennium Falcon, just for the 3 discard and the damage. I can also C-3PO it. Not sure why I put Plastoid Armor in there, I was a little worried about the health? I seriously need some help here...

2 Kommentare

krez 623

I'd try and add Second Chance instead of Plastoid Armor, they are what allow you to have one of the biggest health pool of any decks out there.

And 2x Resistance Crait Speeder is a must, as its the single best vehicle in the game while you have access to Rose - Skilled Mechanic.

Otherwise goodluck and have fun with it! I might have to try Emulate.

Hessian Sack 1338

@krez Thanks for the input! I'll definitely try and get my hands on some Second Chances, but our group doesn't have any, as far as I know. A second Resistance Crait Speeder is definitely a must, once I get one! It's somewhat expensive as a single over here in Australia, and our destiny supplier is out of stock of WotF for now, so I'm a little stuck for now. Emulate is definitely a great card. There are three decks in my group that use more than one of the same character (including this one), so it's really effective, at least for me.