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Pryce of Ren - PLZ give comments / advises (SC this week-end | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1.0 |
Kylo Pryce | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1.0 |
Mysterious Kook 406
Took 1st place with this deck at a store championship in Louisville, KY on 7/7. There were 17 players, and a lot of good competition. The event was 4 rounds with a cut to top 4. I decided to run Kylo at this event because I figured a lot of people would be trying to get in one last tournament with Sabine and Aayla before they get balanced by the force, and thus I'd be able to prey on monocolor decks. Sabine and Rey/Aayla were also pretty popular choices in the pre-WotF meta, and figured people would just play what they knew. The meta was very diverse, and there weren't a lot of monocolor decks, but I got lucky with a couple matchups.
Round 1 - Leia/Cassian Mill
I focused on Leia and was able to secure a kill in Round 3. His Cassian dice weren't rolling very well, and once Leia was off the table there was a lot less discard pressure. I was able to find both my Ancient Lightsabers for some mill insurance, and ultimately I ended up milling him out with Pryce's discard sides after he had pitched to reroll a lot during the previous rounds trying to get Cassian's dice to cooperate. Win 1-0
Round 2 - Luke3/Aayla
I was able to kill Luke early in Round 2 with a New Orders play and that was basically the game. He had no redeploy weapons out yet and Aayla was no match for a full health Kylo and barely damaged Pryce. Win 2-0
Round 3 - Lando/Yoda Mill
This round I definitely got pretty lucky. I focused down Yoda, killing him Round 3 with a Throne Room claim on Crossguard, and luckily milled both Second Chances and a Hyperspace Jump with Close Quarters Assault and his Force Illusion. The key to this matchup was staying ahead of him on claiming to keep the pressure up. I also rolled above average this round, which definitely helps against mill since every card counts and pitching to reroll can be dangerous. Win 3-0
Round 4 - Kylo/Snoke
I anticipated this game was going to be a slugfest, but I was able to burst down Kylo pretty fast and control his resource generation by mitigating his Chance Cube. I had the advantage of always being able to tag one of his characters for 2 with Kylo's ability, while keeping a good mix of blue, red, and gray cards in my hand. Snoke is scary, but he wasn't able to utilize his power action very much since I kept applying pressure to Kylo. Win 4-0
Top Cut
Semifinals - Luke3/Aayla
This was a rematch from round 2, and while he was able to play a more competitive game this time, I was still able to take out Luke early in Round 3 while having a full health Kylo. Aayla did get some good damage in, but the extra 2 damage a turn from Kylo was too much to overcome.
Finals - Poe2/Cassian
This was a very intense game. I had no mitigation early and he was able to do a number on Kylo while I wasn't able to get much going. Kylo died in Round 3 and Pryce already had 4 damage on her from Cassian indirect damage. I barely finished off Cassian that round with an Intimidate removing 1 shield and a 2 melee from Pryce, but I had to face a full health Poe2 with Poe's Blaster and a DH-17 equipped, all while my opponent was looping Suppressive Fire and Honor Guard with Docking Bay. Force Illusion showed up on time, and a clutch Feel Your Anger removing 2 dice allowed me to claim the battlefield and set up for another New Orders play. I was very lucky and rolled out Pryce with an Heirloom and Ancient equipped and rolled double Special on Pryce and a resource on Heirloom. He wasn't able to remove both the Heirloom die and the Pryce dice and I was able to turn the Heirloom to the 3 and resolve it +1 with Pryce since I had the battlefield for the kill. I played the New Orders anyways because I already had the line set in my head, but didn't need to. I think there's a lesson there about re-evaluating each play, regardless if you already have a specific line of play in mind.
Moving forward I think I'm going to swap 2 Shoto for 2 Vibroknife and cut It Binds All Things. Just having Logistics felt like enough resource generation, plus with Pryce you can always use her special to get 2 resources if you control the battlefield. I'm also going to try to work in another copy of Tactical Mastery, and potentially another New Orders. Force Speed probably deserves a spot too. I believe this list can be vastly improved, so any suggestions are welcome.
44 Kommentare |
how do you feel about playing two of the smae unique and having a dead card in your deck? like would you consider adding a second dagger of mortis? |
Electrostaff being red is too much of a downside (IBAT) to make up for its strengths with Kylo? |
Is it legal yet to play WOTF at store champs? I thought you had to give two weeks? |
With Throne Room what was the TO ruling with Pryce? The rulings I'm seeing are that if you didn't already control the BF before claiming, then you weren't able to resolve with a plus 1 on Pryce claiming. It went back to a Docking Bay ruling that was similar. |
This deck is not looking too slow so I can imagine he would often already control to battlefield to begin with. If it does end up under your opponent's control, you can still use it on Crossguard Lightsaber. |
If I use my action to claim Docking Bay (D153), and I use it to play Outmaneuver (D149), do I get the resource from Outmanuever? • No, you do not get the resource. The card was not in play when you claimed. I don't think this is the same as using Emperor's Throne Room - Death Star II to turn a die. I'm not 100% sure about the timing and queue, but I think that Keyword 'Claim' mean that you take control. Then you turn the die, which is allready in play, to a . Then you resolve it, with control of the battlefield. That's at least how I interpret the rules. |
The only info printed in the RRG states that you use the claim ability, if you don’t have ownership you take ownership. While there is no explicit statement that one happens before the other, there’s also no explicit statement that they happen simultaneously. I think unless the RRG is updated we have to go with 1 claim ability 2 take ownership |
To clarify I’ll just copy and paste (I should have. Sorry) “When a player claims the battlefield, they may use its claim ability. If they do not control the battlefield, they take control of it and move the battlefield card next to their deck. ” Those are two sentences. So the only info we have now is that first you use the ability. Then you take ownership. Anything beyond that is assuming intent at this moment. Though I do agree that this needs to be clarified either way. |
If you cut the IBAT, I think you run Riot baton over the heirloom, as the rio tbaton can redeploy off either character, whereas the heirloom only redeploys off of Kylo. |
Played this deck in a store champs today, lost the first time (went 4-1 but made top 4) then beat it twice in semi's. It is really good, but I quickly learned to take out Pryce and that seemed to help shut down the engine. Don't get me wrong, Kylo is still nasty, but at least it ends the free dice manipulation and what is basically a 3 damage when claiming. It was great games by a great player and I got a little lucky in the final roll. |
I was the 2 Rd victim to this deck. I will not be playing a mono color deck anymore while Kylo exsists. Mysterious Kook is one of my favorite players, he has history in deck building and I love to watch him play, except when he is my opponent lol. My lesson from watching his final game was to never give up. I felt he was behind most of the game and in the end he came through on pure skill. He’s a modest guy and in the same situation in my opinion 98% of players would not have won. Congrats again man. Well deserved. |
`@Mysterious Kook - I am also looking for a ruling on Pryce and Claiming Throne Room - we had some discussion about it up here in Indianapolis. Will you please post what you find out....? Best, Dan |
Very nice deck. Now I want to see if I can make a trilogy only version of this deck as that's when I started playing the game. |
Oh it’s still an excellent deck regardless of Throne Room. Won several SCs this weekend. Just now probably doesn’t need new orders for example. |
Also, how often did you use The Best Defense...? I guess it could be useful in a pinch, but paying one resource and dealing 3 damage to one of your characters feels like a steep price to pay for removal. |
The Best Defense... doesn't feel very bad when you are able to mitigate 6 total damage and only take 3. |
I still don't see how the order of operations doesn't work here. If you claim and resolve that special, the action of the special lets you manipulate another dice, so it should work just based on order and logic, right? |
Except there is no "then" in the rules description of claiming the battlefield, meaning the two events could be simultaneous. Everyone keeps adding it as they are discussing it, but when you read the rules it does not read as emphatically as some are making it. It read to me as all one action, split into multiple sentences for grammatical reasons. |
The kraftyone posted a word for word copy of the rules a few posts above. |
Great deck! I tried it multiple time and it worked out really well. |
Have you made any card adjustments? |
-2 Shoto -2 It Binds All Things -2 Lightsaber Pull -1 Best Defense +2 Vibroknife +2 Force Speed +1 Tactical Mastery +1 Overconfidence +1 Z6 Riot Baton The Z6 Riot Baton is a flex slot, but I'd like to try it out in the deck. I'm dropping a Best Defense for an Overconfidence because I expect aggro to be popular in my area right now, and I don't want to be dealing myself a bunch of damage. Intimidate is another card that you can shave one of as well if there aren't a lot of shield generating decks in your meta. I've been thinking about trying out one copy of Mind Trick as well, but I wanted to make those other adjustments first. |
So here is my question... Why drop Shotos for Vibro if you aren't seeing a lot of shield decks? Just for the ambush? For the grey weapon? I would think Shoto would help in the mirror.. aggressively go for shotos and speed during the mulligans. With you on binds... I've been going back and forth between logistics or chance cube (I run a dark defense though so the extra is nice. I've also been going back and forth on Overconfidence vs FYA. I love the blow out potential of FYA. Nice Deck overall. |
Makes sense on the Vibros. I think i like Shoto a little more but I get it. FYA might be a little better now if Yoda falls away |
I kept the shoto lightsabers instead of the vibroknifes and one lighsaber pull instead of the z6 Riot Baton but my question is Sould we get rid of one Intimidate for another card because we already have the Crossguard lightsabers that can deal 3 damage instead if they have one shield or more and you just need one Intimidate for the beginning if you take your battlefield and they don’t split their shields? Also, if they split their shields, you don’t need it at the beginning. What would you add instead? |
Could High Ground be good since this deck has control of the battle field most of the time? |
Well you were all wrong. Emperor's throne room works fine with Arihnda. I hope some of you are the facebook trolls I argued with over this. Cause I was right... |
What was the second BF you brought?