Return of The Chrome Queen (Full Writeup)

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Return of The Chrome Queen (Full Writeup) 7 6 7 5.0
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TheKraftyOne 287

Hey guys! I have been playing Captain Phasma - Elite Trooper since Awakenings and even though during the Rein of FN-2199 - Loyal Trooper I still had believed in the Awakenings Chrome Queen.

So If you have been in a hole or closet for the last month, the new Rules Refrence Guide has dropped. I'm not going to go into great detail of the entire changes, but the noteable things you should know are the following.

Replacing(Overwriting) Upgrades is now ONCE per Round - This limits FN-2199 - Loyal Trooper and Rey - Force Prodigy to play mostly fair.

Vibroknife now states Damage dealt by this die or modified by this die is unblockable. - Shields are now way more relevant and has came back in a huge way, so much so that things like On The Hunt and Intimidate are coming back.

Balance of the Force, The following character costs are now superseding there original printing. Characters for +1 Cost to both Normal and Elite Cost are Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician (Was 9/13, Now 10.14) Characters for +2 Cost to both Normal and Elite Cost are Poe Dameron - Ace Pilot (Was 14/18, Now 16/20) Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer (Was 10/13, Now 12/15) FN-2199 - Loyal Trooper (Was 10/13, Now 12/15) - This is were a vast majority of the meta shifting comes from. Aside from Sabine/Ezra. Every Top Tier Deck was hurt in a massive way (not unplayable), but slowed down or powered down.

Other card erratas - Imperial Inspection is now set aside after the first use. It's a Trap! no longer has ambush and only effects 2 red die. (Card is now dead). Heat Of Battle now only effects 2 of your opponents die and only 2 of yours. (Also Completely Trash)

Ok So onto why this makes Captain Phasma - Elite Trooper back to Tier 1. The meta is slowed down and one of Phasmas biggest fears was Imperial Inspection, which has taken a huge hit. Even if the card still sees play, I don't think losing a max of 4 resources will hurt as bad.

Onto the card choices, big first thing alot of competitive players will see is "Where are the Z6 Riot Control Baton" We don't need them anymore really. The re-deploy is great but with the 2 drop re-deploys no longer in as much Jeopardy from Imperial Inspection, we can play pure guns, helps with action management.

The list is fairly simple, Keep Phasma Alive with guardian and throw upgrades on her. Probe is a last minute change for trying to hit rise again and never tell me the odds. Otherwise please comment below!

4 Kommentare

oldredhat 8

I noticed you’ve cut X-8 Night Sniper for Jetpack? X-8s have been hit and miss for me, but they’ve been really impactful in some games. Did you just find you aren’t getting much out of them? Why would you go with Jetpack over another redeploy weapon like F-11D Rifle?

I’ve cut probe also, as I haven’t had much use/luck with using it. I add a copy of Flank at least and have been toying with adding Logistics instead. This is the deck I’m working on for tournament season and I’d argue that many cards in this list are core/essential. I’d be interested to see if you had other cards you were looking at adding or trying out?

Aftermath is another I’ve looked at with the rise of 3 & 4 character decks in the local meta.

TheKraftyOne 287

F-11D Rifle has only 1 base which requires resource, even though it has redeploy the sides are not the greatest. I chose Jetpack because it has a modified 3 side which can be either focus'd or Imperial Discipline. I have Probe Currently because my current meta is very event heavy, it's also something that can take Never Tell Me The Odds or Rise Again or No Mercy, which seem to be on an uptick. The deck doesn't have much resource denial beside Salvage Stand and only a couple of natural Discard sides which would be better for damage anyway. The X-8 Night Sniper vs Jetpack is pretty close, but having access to a 3 side without needing resource is alot easier to achive then having a resource open.

Logistics Could be something I put in over the Sound The Alarm or Probe Depending on the meta.

Aftermath is a card i had for a different shell, where you would resource ramp for Endless Ranks, but if just using Aftermath without a big payoff would make X-8 Night Sniper better.

If your running into alot of 3-4 character decks then definitely play Aftermath

But Overall the Deck feels like it could have 2-3 different shells. Play more The Best Defense... and Cannon Fodder to Endless Ranks or Play alot of efficient upgrades and overwrite with redeploys when needed.

This current version is something I'm testing constantly on TTS and RL. It is at a state where I like it for the current state of the meta. I've found only that Probe and Sound The Alarm are the flex spots currently. The rest is too important to switch around.

Current Decks I've played against and won alot against are the following Han/Rey Rainbow #5 Palp Kylo2/Vader Qui-Gon/Kanan

The next decks have been decent but don't feel the greatest to sit down against

Sabine/Ezra R2P2

No matchup is completely unwinnable like the FN days, but those last 2 matchups feel like a 45/65 and 60/40. The other decks I mentioned are either 70/30 in your favor or 80/20.

Historically Super Fast Action cheat has always been a problem for Phasma, but Sabine/Ezra in particular with Running Interference can even lock us out of Guardian. But Like with Jango/Veers back in the day, the deck needs to roll well, which sometimes it will and other times it won't. That match up is where Probe at the right time can stop there Never Tell Me The Odds.

Otherwise If I haven't answered anything you were looking for, don't be afraid to comment!

doubleL96 10

I fell literally in love with this deck, and I'm thinking about using it. In the current meta, here, most of the decks use blue heroes, so i was thinking about the 2 Hunker Down with something else... What would you suggest? I was thinking about a second On The Hunt, but i don't know what to fill the last slot with

TheKraftyOne 287

Typically having access to free shields is great with guardian characters, but if you don’t want to run them extra On The Hunt and Jetpack is what I would run