The Return of the Queen (Full Writeup)

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TheKraftyOne 287

The return of our Queen.

So let's dive right in. GUARDIAN Baby! People I still feel underestimate this mechanic. Yes I understand there are action cheat decks, but even those decks have trouble getting the correct rolls while still action cheating. Our only really bad matchups (in my opinion) is Thrawn - Master Strategist and Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer also know as "Thrawnkar".

The following cards are what can hurt the deck if not properly prepared or knowledge of the matchup.

Imperial Inspection and Salvage Stand

These 2 cards are what can slow Captain Phasma - Elite Trooper down to dust. Peronsally I would target the Salvage Stand before Imperial Inspection, due to you can play the 3 drops to combat it.

Why Sabotage over Rend ?

3 reasons.

  1. Most Thrawnkars call for 0 when I comes to activating thrawn blind.

  2. Planetary Uprising is still backbreaking

  3. Imperial HQ is on the rise. Stopping cad and his goons from being able to not have pay is really impacting on there game plan.

Why are you playing Heat Of Battle the card gives our opponent damage. Correct it gives them damage. Since we typically are slower than our opponents they usually claim well before we are done. Thus turning this 2 cost event into a We Have Them Now without the condition of needing a battlefield. If you thought We Have Them Now ended games, this card can turn a game around.

Why LL-30 Blaster Pistol over F-11D Rifle, no pay sides and less modifiers, also a sweet sort of focus side. Also it has ambush. We don't action cheat much but when it happens your opponent is typically caught off guard.

Why no 2nd Z6 Riot Control Baton? To be honest I might put it in, it's just hard to find what to cut and why. If I had to make a choice it would be an Aftermath.

How to Operate The Queen Deck.

I always learn better plays every-time I pick up this deck. First and foremost, Don't overuse guardian. If they have a modified side. You sometimes are better off waiting for the base damage to take away.

Secondly, Learn all the upgrade/support dice that deal damage. Understanding what die are more important to remove than others will cause you to live longer, thus making Captain Phasma - Elite Trooper more powerful.

What do you try to have in your opening hand?

Typically either two 1 drops and some 0 drops or one 2 drop and a bunch of zeros. The following Cards are typically what you want to see

Salvage Stand

He Doesn't Like You

DH-17 Blaster Pistol

Imperial Discipline

LL-30 Blaster Pistol

Holdout Blaster



Friends in Low Places

Hunker Down

The rest of the cards are typically better to play in later rounds.

When is it correct to overwrite vs playing for full cost?

This is were being able to judge the situation and analyze quickly becomes a huge factor between good players and great players. To my best knowledge on a situation at hand I look at 3 different things.

  1. Does our opponent have more important dice in play than we do?

  2. Does our opponent have the opportunity to spend resources to do damage from hand and does this effect the math of us dying this turn?

If your answer is Yes to these, you should most likely Overwrite to save money for mitigation, because sometimes depending on how big of a value a certain die can get, using guardian will actually just help your opponent. So overwriting to save a couple resources for big mitigation cards like The Best Defense... or Flank ends up being the better choice most of the time.

If your answer is no to these, and you feel you can just guardian your way out of the round, then yes pay full cost and add that die to your pool.

I could write a full article about how to be a better card player, but that isn't what we are here for. Those 3 different questions will help you make better judgement calls for the future.

What cards have you tried?

T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle - Card is huge, flashy, and too expensive for this deck

Weapons Cache - I think the card has a home somewhere, just could not get it to work as well as i would have hoped in here. I would revisit this card for future testing

Relby-V10 Mortar Gun - So This card was decent at first, with 0 pay sides and a sweet ability you can use, but not having redeploy is a huge issue.

Rocket Launcher - If the meta get very vehicle heavy, I will probably slot this in, but since it is not and its very expensive, we don't play it.

Doubt - Since we have access to He Doesn't Like you, we don't really need it, Granted it doesn't require a die in our pool, This card can be put in over he doesn't like you, but this is a preference card.

IQA-11 Blaster Rifle - Since we have Backup Muscle we don't need the unblockable, also no redeploy so it takes it down on priority.

Endless Ranks - I found that some games this card did amazing, but I found other games that this can be a win more card. If Mill decks are not as popular I could easily see this working its way back in

Personal Shield - I don't like this type of defensive card, the ability is great and the sides are good, but I would rather have damage than a die that can generate shields.

Prized Possession - Another card that could find play depending on the meta, If powerful character die are all the rage, then this should be played in the deck as a 1 of, otherwise It can be really expensive for the payoff.

Slave I - Yeah I put this card on list of things I've tested. Yah your reading this correctly. Ok it is odd to see a vehicle in a not vehicle deck, but the die face is awesome and you don't have to worry about it being destroyed from a character dying. It might have a home in the future if the game gets very slow. Currently the game is a little too fast for Slave 1 in this deck.

Jetpack - No Redeploy, Only 2 damage sides, we are getting to the point where 3-4 damage sides are the norm. Its sad to see the old jetpack be put into the barnyard, Maybe one day it will make a huge comeback, but for the time being, ol' bessie has to be put out to pasture.

That's the Queen Deck in a nutshell, Thanks for reading the giant wall of text, hopefully I didn't bore anyone. If you have any questions or comments please post! I am fairly quick to respond.

4 Kommentare

Dave Sharona 601

Pull a Captain Phasma's Blaster for a second Z6 Riot Control Baton. Other than pull consistency, there's literally never a reason to have two of those and you don't get to take advantage of the redeploy as Phasma should ALWAYS be the last to die.

TheKraftyOne 287

Yes in theory you should only ever have Phasma left, but the cards redeploy is only a slight reason to play it. The Die faces are crazy good for what you pay for. Having better consistency is what I'm trying to go for in phasma. I've already Changed the aftermath into a Baton due to the deck being really cost efficient. But the points you bring up would be reasons to cut one, if there were ever another insane 3 drop blaster or non-modified/pay cost weapon. Thanks for the input


TheKraftyOne 287

Relby-V10 Mortar Gun - So This card was decent at first, with 0 pay sides and a sweet ability you can use, but not having redeploy is a huge issue.