Rainbow Rey

Chancen: 0% – 0% mehr
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Nicht abgeleitet. Das ist ein selbst gemachtes Deck.
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Chazu 69

so this is the second draft of this deck. This version include some dice mitigation which the original did not include. This deck, although it is 3 characters can claim super fast which is the reason for the location. The way the deck works is pretty straight forward but requires a bit of practice to master....ideally, chain together actions to get dice into play, use Maz and ackbar for focus with the Maz ability and force speed to take the actions to resolve. Then use mitigation if needed and claim to remove another die. The last card out of this deck was Retreat. the ability to chain actions then limit your opponent to 1 action is really strong in theory but, I found the resources to be an issue in the chain. any feedback would be appreciated.

1 Kommentar

the BEAST 1128

Maybe add Second Chance to keep Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen alive longer (she has a nice ability) or Dug in since you say you can claim the battlefield fast...but nice deck overall