Jango / FN-2199 Aggro

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Jango/FN-2199 0 0 0 1.0

karolko 250

Update on Jango decks that were all the rage during first couple of months of Awakenings meta.

This deck runs two characters with very powerful specials that leaves opponent in precarious situations as whom to attack first.

Generally you want to stock out FN-2199 with weapon upgrades and equip Jango with On the Hunt. Override guns on FN-2199 but do so intelligently. Most players will go after FN-2199 most of the time, so it's best to slowly build up 3 redeploy weapons on FN-2199 so once he dies, you opponent has to still deal with fully equipped Jango in mid / end-game.

Apart from hefty offensive package, this deck also contains cheap and plentiful dice control options.

All in all very powerful deck that is very difficult for an opponent to handle.

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