Spaceport Shootout (Destiny Shapers Spring Top 8 finisher)

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Bala/Veers 0 1 0 1.0
Inspiration für
Noch keine.

m1x4n 8

This is the deck I played at the Destiny Shapers Spring tournament on April 1st at the Fantasy Flight Games Center. It was a 41 player field and I was ranked 8th by the end of swiss rounds. Cut to top 16 after 4 rounds. Ended up losing my match to make it into top 4. This was my first tournament with more than 7 players in attendance.

Deck was self made. Took out the TIE Fighters from the previous version and replaced them with the IQAs since I finally got ahold of them. Removed Hunker Down since it was pretty much getting discarded right away in a majority of the games I played with the previous version. Bala was targeted too much too to rely on Electroshock so I removed that but I'm gonna put it back in for the next reiteration of this deck. Removed the All In since I really haven't been using it.

I don't know what SoR cards I'd put in yet but I know it'll be Nowhere to Run and Unpredictable that are going to be removed first. I'd also like to note that the last time I played this deck was 1-2 months ago and I rebuilt and updated it at 3 am the day of the tournament while binge watching some Investigation Discovery so probably not the optimal build haha

I opted on not putting in any of the new cards I opened since I thought none of them would slot in well in the deck.

On to the tournament report!

  • 1st Round: Danika - a little girl who can kick ass (eLeia/eAckbar) She was doing really well and knew how to play the game more than me. She won the die roll and instantly picked her battlefield. She seemed really excited to try out Ewok Village. As my usual move, I put the shield on Veers to try and protect those 2 dice. I made a big mistake first round by painting a big target on Veers when I played an upgrade on him instead of Bala. Danika sent all her damage to Veers and made short work of him in a few rounds. Thankfully I've been able to deal some damage to Ackbar before Veers went down so I was able to kill him the round after with the extra damage going to Leia. Bala stood back up and hit Leia some more with the help of the Nightsister. On our next round, she had enough to kill Bala and I had enough to kill Leia but I was so focused on trying to save Bala that it didn't even register in my head that I could win right there. I figured out there was nothing I could do to save him so I just decided to push through what damage I could and wait for death...well she pointed out that Leia is dead and all I could say was "Whaaaat?". One of my most fun games for sure. 1-0

  • 2nd round: Joe - a man I've played thrones against (ePoe/eRey) He won the roll and chose his battlefield: Emperor's Throne Room. I knew this was gonna be gross when I lost that roll. He started loading up Rey and taking all the turns that he could. Even though I felt like Poe was the bigger threat, I went after Rey since she had lower health and that ability is really annoying. I managed to have a gun on each of my characters so there wasn't an obvious target...or so I thought. He looked at my guns and noticed that Bala's isn't redeployable. Bala goes down first. I was able to kill Rey soon after but in that same turn, my Nightsister goes down. I'm down to a loaded up but damaged Veers against a barely damaged Poe. Thankfully the dice rolls I had were great and I managed to kill him despite all the shields he kept putting on and the Hit and Run shenanigans. 2-0

  • 3rd round: Bill - the guy who ends up champ (eVaider/Raider) He was able to kill Veers early on. I think it was maybe round 2 or 3. I killed his Raider, stood Bala up and started pitching away at Vaider. Unfortunately, my rolls were pretty crappy and Bala didn't do much damage. Vaider made short work of Bala and the Nightsister just couldn't survive long on her own. 2-1

  • 4th round: Tyler - one of the guys that thought me Netrunner (eBala/rJango/FO Trooper) I won the dice roll and chose his battlefield since it wasn't going to hurt me. Veers gets the shields again. He started damaging my Nightsister first and I assume thats so he can take advantage of Bala's ability. I did the same thing and focused on the trooper. I killed the trooper before he could kill my Nightsister. By the time he took the sister down, his Bala was at half health. The next round, I kill Bala with Veers and pinged Jango a little. At this point, Veers was loaded up and Bala has a blaster on him. I had 3 credits at the start of the next round so I load up Bala. Holdout Blaster using the ambush to put in a DH-17. It was pretty easy to kill Jango with 9 dice. 3-1

Cut to top 16

  • Top 16 elimination round: Shane (Raider/FO Trooper x3) Veers and Bala made quick work of 2 troopers and the raider but then he ended ranks twice and I just didn't have enough to close the game. My team went down and we moved on to game 2. I chose his battlefield and put the shields on Veers as usual. He targeted Veers and so I loaded up Bala. Remembering that endless ranks is a thing, I opted to kill the Raider first this time so he would potentially pitch the card to reroll. A loaded up Bala was too much for him to deal with and his team went down. We move on to game 3 and pretty much the same thing happened. On to top 8!

  • Top 8 elimination round: Tyler - not the guy who thought me netrunner (eVeers/rBala/Nightsister) A mirror match. I knew this was gonna be a difficult and painful game as soon as our teams were revealed. Veers dice are gross. Bala is gross. The Nightsister is annoying. I get a taste of my own medicine and I gotta say, not so fun. His Bala was rolling better and killing my Bala before I kill his. We were going back and forth and it felt like close games. I remember I had Feel Your Anger in my hand and I just needed him to roll 1 blank to remove his base damage so I could survive and kill him in our first game but alas, no blanks. He won game one so I got to choose the battlefield game 2. Since we were also running the same battlefield, I opted for the shields on Bala this time. I won the second game when he conceded. I was already winning and the TO announced that there was maybe 10 minutes left of the round. I couldn't remember for sure. I don't know what the tiebreaker is for the cut but Tyler didn't want to waste time on a losing game so off we go to game 3. Well game 3 felt like a repeat of game 1. I lost and thus my journey ends. No top 4 for me.

Well there ya have it. Cheers

1 Kommentar

Dabbito 1

Congratulations on the top 8 finish. Nice match report write ups as well.