Shoot First

Chancen: 0% – 0% mehr
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Nicht abgeleitet. Das ist ein selbst gemachtes Deck.
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core 2

This was the first deck I ran in a tournament setting. The turnout was roughly 13 people for a game night kit. Ended up getting 2nd place, the only loss being to a mirror deck, and it was a close one.

Tournament Games

1-0: eJango-eVeers

2-0: ePhasma-Bala-Trooper

2-1: eBala-Jango-Trooper

3-1: eAckbar-eLeia

3 Kommentare

AisoRed 2

This deck is too good. I lose to it almost every day. Thanks for sharing!

krzykoopa 1

Infantry grenades?

core 2

@krzykoopa yeah, I'm working with a fairly limited card pool. I just got my hands on some DH-17 Blaster Pistols, so I'll probably give those a try instead of the Infantry Grenades. I could also see swapping in another Jetpack or On The Hunt.

I will miss the Infantry Grenades slapping 6 damage over three characters though...