Ballin' Troopers

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TheHyperloops 3691

This is another entry in the long line of red/yellow villain combinations that are viable in Star Wars Destiny. I went 4-0 last week beating two Jango Fett and two Darth Vader decks, so the deck is the real deal- good yellow and red cards, such a shocker! I previously went 2-2 the week before having only lost to the tie breaker rule so I added an Endless Ranks. In addition, I had experience and played faster knowing that the deck takes a million actions.

Things of note: No Electroshock. Bala-Tik is usually the first to die and since the deck gets close to drawing all of its cards I didn't want dead cards in the late game. By playing Electroshock you price yourself into playing the events earlier than you might like. Sure its modal in that you can always discard it to reroll dice but I already have 6 dice removal events that are better.

No Jetpack. Jetpack might be the most overrated card in the game since all of its sides are modifiers, to control it your opponent doesn't even have to touch its dice and can just mess with base damage dice. It's better in the Jango Fett decks since you can cheese out some sick rolls before your opponent gets a chance to respond but in this deck people messing with your dice is more of a concern. The card also doesn't make money, how can my First Order Stormtrooper ball without cash? But seriously, not having the ability to create resources from a two cost equipment can bankrupt your development.

Endless Ranks is my concession to the time breaker rule in this game since it heals you seven. I might otherwise not play it but it's been pretty good although It's possible I would have won those games if it was another IQA-11 Blaster Rifle or something.

I have a wombo combo in Nowhere to Run plus Tactical Mastery. People are generally not ready for it and you can burst down a guy out of virtually nothing pretty easily.

Why Should I play this over other Yellow/Red Combinations? 1)The most HP. I have the best HP, really the best. This makes all of the redeploys even more insane than usual. 2)The Best Defense...: With 21 red HP to spare this cards drawback usually isn't felt and the upside is HUGE! 3)Flank: You have more guys and this will be better than electroshock more times than not.

Things I tried: Squad Tactics: It's awkward with Flank and slow rolling your actions is usually better. Nightsister: Why only play two colors when you can play three? Well simply put the blue cards stink. They require spotting or are too situational to be worth it. You also can't The Best Defense or Endless Ranks a Nightsister. Other Battlefields: While Starship Graveyard doesn't do much for our plan it's usually equally ineffective for our opponent. It sometimes allows us to get back one of our situational powerful equipments like On the Hunt or IQA-11 Blaster Rifle and helps vs deck out strategies. Many people use Mos Eisley Spaceport as their do nothing battlefield but I found many people play Hunker Down which can turn the battlefield into something positive. To be fair I'm not sure about the one Hunker Down in this deck but I wanted to try it.

I hope you have fun and keep brewing up a storm. I'm currently working on Rey and Qui-Gon Jinn.dec. Spoiler Alert: I think people are sleeping on BB-8 since he has a virtual damage side with QGJ's ability.

Later Gators!

4 Kommentare

Deck104 61

I know you love Datapad but I'm really not a fan. I'd slide another IQA-11 Blaster Rifle and look for another way to get resources with the other.

TheHyperloops 3691

@Deck104It's proved its worth for me in this deck. It helps get to the midgame burst combo and it also helps with he doesn't like you.

prozz 1

blue for power of the darkside/feel your anger maybe?

TheHyperloops 3691

@prozzI tested both. Feel Your Anger while powerful makes you have to reply right away since they will re roll their blanks. Power of the Dark Side requires you to get at least 4 damage to get value. At two cost the other cards seem better. Last night someone played Intimidate to good effect which admittedly is a card I didn't try.