I'll have the Special

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Rugmouse 68

Something I've noticed about Star Wars Destiny is action economy is of the utmost importance. It is the reason Jango Fett has become such a force in the meta. The flexibility of Jabba the Hutt paired with Kylo Ren and his Special offers up some interesting potential for combos, which just may give us some much needed action economy in our matchups.

While Darth Vader decks offer Melee Damage as an alternative win condition, I see Kylo Ren bringing a different form of damage with his Special ability. Instead of doing damage in lieu of controlling an opponent, why not do more damage WHILE you're controlling them! We've all experienced how satisfying it is to Force Choke an opponent's die to a 3 side just to Force Throw that die into their face. What if you could also combo that into a Kylo Ren Special for some additional burst damage? Even if it's just 1 extra damage (roughly 80% of cards in typical decks have at least 1 cost), we were able to sneak in more damage with an action that was first and foremost a control move. Jabba's Focus sides ensure that our Upgrades hit those Special sides consistently and keep the chain moving. This also means that we're going through our dice faster, making it more likely we can Claim the Battlefield.

When facing Jango Fett, action economy doesn't necessarily mean moving fast all the time. Delaying your activation can also frustrate Jango Fett players, which is why this deck has 4 Supports to ensure we aren't just passing. We can also take advantage of Pulling the Strings here. Throw this card down and check their deck for those ranged Upgrades that Jango Fett relies so much on and put those on the bottom of the deck! Disrupt can only do so much in terms of slowing an opponent outfitting Jango Fett, but if they never see those Upgrades...

I understand that we are giving up a decent amount of survivability when playing this list over the Darth Vader or Count Dooku variants, but the efficiency in which you can fulfill multiple win conditions at once is intriguing. We also get two dice as opposed to 1 with Darth Vader. All too often I find myself rolling out Darth Vader, only for my opponent to control that die away. This threat is somewhat diminished with this list.

Any feedback from the community on this idea would be greatly appreciated!

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