Vader / Kylo

Chancen: 0% – 0% mehr
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Nicht abgeleitet. Das ist ein selbst gemachtes Deck.
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Jehilo 1

This is the first deck I have made and continue to tweak it as I acquire more cards. The deck record as it currently is is 5-1. The overall record from every version combined is roughly 18-2.

Enrage is only used to play Mind Probe if you haven't found Sith Holocron. Otherwise it is discarded to re-roll dice. Yes Power of the Dark Side is slow, but its power of a free re-roll every turn is too much for me to pass on. Enrage I am still iffy on, and is definitely a slot that can be easily changed for something else.

No Mercy is a hard mulligan against aggressive decks. Sith Holocron is a hard mulligan against slower decks. Some people say also mulligan for Mind Probe with it but I personally am a fan of Force Throw since it messes with opposing dice.

Please leave comments and questions if you have any and I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks :)

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