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Book 1394

Finding a strong second to elite Poe can be trying. Alas, Fin is just a single point over to run as a one of, and playing a single Poe feels pretty underwhelming. I considered Rey, but everyone is playing Rey--and for good reason. However, I wanted to try a mono-red 30 point build with Ackbar, primarily for the two focus result side and potential disruption/mill.

The deck wants to play cheap upgrades to increase the odds of its range damage output. Ideally, you will use Poe abusively with Black One and Launch Bay. Further, getting one of these in play, esp. the latter, is your truest objective.

There is a discard/mill contingency--which, with Ackbar, happens to deal damage in many situations. Launch Bay can wipe their hand. Scout also helps to apply pressure and eliminate troublesome events and reduce rerolls. It's also nice to have 6 upgrades that are entirely free with Rearm.

The deck is sorely lacking in die manip and removal for your opponent. You have the two Comlink so play them appropriately. Dug in and Field Medic are your ways to extend the mortality of your characters. You are racing here.

It's a Trap! and Hit and Run provide speed. IQA-11 Blaster Rifle gives you unblockable damage--the trick is to overwrite a cheaper upgrade to drop this and get to work. Then use the Rearm to get back the upgrade--if applicable.

Upon more testing, I have opted to add back in Datapad and All In for speed. This also decreases the overall curve of the deck and provides a few more resource results to help push out the support cards.

Deck is fun. Try it out! I have been playing it quite a bit and it has been performing very well. It's fast, consistent, and does its thing well. The support cards give youa long game, but don't be afraid to pitch them to Poe's special--I had a game today were I dealt 4 with Launch Bay and 3 with Black One on my second action of the first turn of the game. And thanks for the comments!

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