"Space Fish" - 4th place of 12 - ARH Infinite Tournament

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Orffme 71

My only loss was to Mirror Ackbar. 4 Wins, 1 Loss.

9 Kommentare

Orffme 71

1st Place was Ackbar.

2nd Place was Vader TTB and Pirate Loyalist.

3rd Place was Pilot Vader and WOTF Grievous + Order 66.

4th Place was Ackbar (Me).

Look for the Tournament Video from 3 13 2021 on my playlist! youtube.com

Orffme 71

I beat boba1jango2, pilot vader\wotf gg order 66, starter grievous, and thrawn\savage.

Epic117 1

Im kinda lost with this ackbar, do the set aside x wings come from your deck? or you keep on spamming x wings during each upkeep phase and still get to use the 4 in your deck? I had a look around about set aside cards and couldnt find any clarification. Thanks! List looks great

Conor_King 19

@Epic117 This Ackbar adds a free X-Wing from the Set-Aside one every time the game goes to the upkeep phase. The X-Wings do not come out of your deck. Yes, that means in infinite you can get up to something like 9 X-Wings, if you play all 4 from your deck and then the game goes to 9 rounds.

siwelnivek 32

Have you thought about replacing Redemption with Rebel Hangar?

Orffme 71

The top 4 players all had a 4-1 record

Orffme 71

Here's the video of the games youtu.be

Orffme 71

@siwelnivekyes, ultimately I went with redemption because I didnt know how easy I could get 6 $

Orffme 71

@Conor_King yes, it was pretty fun getting so many x-wings out. They just can't handle the barage of damage.