Uneasy Alliance

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forcemaster3000 29

When I first started out with Star Wars: Destiny (around January 2020), I was not the best deck-builder. This was one of the very first ones that I ever made, and I called it Uneasy Alliance for a reason. Anakin and Yoda don't always get along in Star Wars because Anakin is too impulsive, and Jawas just don't really have any true affiliations (that's probably why they're Neutral characters).

The battlefield used in this deck: Sith Temple - Malachor is useful, because the claim ability will let you remove one of your dice to deal 1 unblockable damage to a character. Since the Jawa Scavenger's die isn't that useful (I included it simply in an experiment), you can often remove it to deal that 1 damage. That's why the Jawa Scavenger is even in the deck. I could have done an elite Yoda or an elite Anakin, even elite Yoda and Anakin if I had a plot with -1 points. But the Jawa Scavenger remains, simply to be useful in case you want to remove a die. You can also get a from the Jawa Scavenger by using the Jawa Scavenger's ability (but only if you discard Awakening).

Anakin Skywalker - Conflicted Apprentice's is useful in this deck, since many of the cards are Hero cards, and Yoda can't get enough shields (he can have up to 6!). Speaking of Yoda - Mystical Mentor, his ability to use his to block damage to apprentice characters can be applied to Anakin Skywalker - Conflicted Apprentice. And the 2 symbol can be used to turn Anakin's die to a new side, and the Jawa Scavenger die to a new side.

Now to the cards in the deck. Let's start with events ().


Since Yoda - Mystical Mentor often has more shields then necessary, you can use this card to gain a .

Alter Fate

This card is a very useful card (remove all of an opponent's dice showing damage (, , ). Never mind the 3 cost, you can occasionally afford it. This card's usefulness isn't increased in this deck, but it is still good to have.

Become One

If only this card didn't say 'remove one of your Blue dice. Then you could have used the Jawa Scavenger's die. But anyway, this card can still be used if Anakin or Yoda roll a symbol you don't want. Or by all means, one of your upgrades or supports. R2-D2 is a Blue support with a die. Or one of those Blue abilities or weapons.

Channel The Force

This card is especially useful if you can spot a Jedi or a leader, or even better, both. Fortunately, Yoda - Mystical Mentor is both of those.

Fatal Blow

Since there is a pretty good chance of having an upgrade in your hand, this card can be useful (if you play those upgrades, of course).

Fight Back

Now this is better than Become One. You don't have to remove a Blue die, just any old die. If you do this, you can't do anything to your dice, but it's still good to be able to remove an opponent's die-especially one showing damage.


Hmmm...you never know if you're going to have more ready characters than your opponent. But since this deck doesn't have any elite characters, there are 3 characters; typically an skilled player will have only 2. You could keep the Jawa Scavenger ready, and then after all of your opponent's characters are activated, you can play Flank.

Pushing Slash

Oh, this can be useful when applied to Anakin or Yoda. Even though Niman Mastery isn't in the deck, you can still apply it very well, particularly if you get a good roll with Anakin or Yoda or if their upgrade(s) do the same.


Since 2/3 of the characters on this deck's team are blue, you can easily play this card, although your opponent will most likely attempt to defeat all of your Blue characters before your Jawa Scavenger. Anyway, who doesn't want to heal damage? That's why there are 2 copies of this card in the deck.

This section is about the upgrades () in the deck.

Crafted Lightsaber

If you activate Yoda or Anakin, then you can play this upgrade. Or by all means, do it on the Jawa Scavenger.


This card should definitely be played on Yoda - Mystical Mentor, since it gives attached character a shield. And Fearless is also 1 of the 2 cards in this deck that lets you draw a card.

Force Heal

This card could be played on either Anakin Skywalker - Conflicted Apprentice or Yoda - Mystical Mentor. But anyway, it is still a good card. Should have included 2 in the deck.

Jedi Lightsaber

Play this card on Yoda, since he is a Jedi, and you can't get enough for him.

Keen Instincts

Again, if only it didn't say 'Blue character only-then you could have played this upgrade on the Jawa Scavenger removed its die when it rolled a symbol you didn't want. But anyway, you should play it on Anakin Skywalker - Conflicted Apprentice, not Yoda, since Yoda can't roll a blank, you're always going to get something that's somewhat good. But if you want to play it on Yoda - Mystical Mentor, it can be useful if you want to give Yoda more. .

Luke Skywalker's Lightning Rod

If Luke Skywalker was on this team, you could use this upgrade to give to Yoda. But anyway, it is still a useful upgrade.

Protective Mentor

Protective Mentor emphasizes Yoda's ability of blocking damage dealt to apprentice characters further-this upgrade enables you to use its shields to block damage dealt to any type of character. In all, you should use this upgrade on Yoda, since he typically has tons of shields, but you could play it on Anakin or even the Jawa, and block damage dealt to the most powerful character in this deck-Yoda - Mystical Mentor.

Rey's Lightsaber

If played on Yoda, you can give him another . But it has Reedeploy, so you could play it on Anakin and then move it to Yoda when Anakin gets defeated.

T-21 Repeating Blaster

Maybe play this upgrade on the Jawa Scavenger. You can resolve the modifier side of this die with the Jawa's sides showing , and it gets the Jawa more powerful.


This card has no specific character you should play it on, but you should activate its attached character (preferably Anakin or Yoda) first, then all of your other characters, and then all of their will be unblockable.


Play the Vibrosword on Anakin or Yoda to resolve the more easily.

Supports ()


You can resolve the modifier sides of a lot of the upgrades () in this deck with this card.

Funeral Pyre

For the upgrades on Anakin or Yoda that don't have Redeploy, you can use this support to save them from being discarded.

Honed Skills

Without this card, you can play a maximum of 9 upgrades on the characters on this deck's team. With this card, you can play all 11 upgrades on your characters, with room for 1 more upgrade as well.

Luke's Protection

Just use this to give Yoda - Mystical Mentor more .


I use this in a lot of decks, since it's very useful: it's basically reroll a die up to 2 times!


R2's lets you draw a card, which is useful, and he's also the only card (besides Yoda) in this deck that has no sides.

Remote Stockpile

You can use this card usefully to gain . and those can be used to play some of the more expensive cards (Rey's Lightsaber, Vibrosword, etc.).

And that is the complete explanation of Uneasy Alliance!


1 Kommentar

Manzanita9 112

Wow, very exhaustive review. If you're a new player or even just a player who is wondering how to best use a card in the deck then you have an easy guide right here.

I may try this deck out just to see how this unlikely trio would get along when the chips are down :)