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JDunnSquadron216 137

Think everyone know what this deck does at this point but just wanted to do a quick tourney wrap up and share some thoughts.

I made top 8 with Jabba supports the previous week but after facing something similar to this in the first round of playoffs i went home and did some testing. Post Wat nerf i think the matchup is nearly unwinnable so cant beat em join em right?

R1 mirror. We did no damage to each other round 1. He got a 6 point lead in round 2 but a few easy pickings put me over the top. 1-0

R2 mirror. Once again after round 1 no real damage output. Got chewies blaster round 2 and that pretty much sealed it. 2-0

R3 beckett talzin. He posessed chopper action 1. I managed to get talzin out of play but it was too late. Fist smashed me up. 2-1

R4 Aphra Greivous Messenger. He got 000 and BT out round 1 but I immediately convergenced 000. Managed to get Greivous out fairly quick and it was tough for him to recover. 3-1

R5 Rey Kylo. This is probably the best ass kicking ive received in a destiny game ever. I entangled kylos dice early just to watch rey roll in double special. I was holding pickings but had no money. Two ataru strikes later and i have 3P0 holding a dagger. Think i eeked out 4 damage total. 3-2

R6 Han Droids He won the roll off and started the game off by disruoting me for 2 and gaining 2 resources before my first action. I got a dagger and chewies blaster out and it looked like he was struggling tonfind upgrades. Got Han out before he could find a redeploy weapon and then cleaned up. 4-2

R7 Aphra Phasma Messenger GD. I loved this deck. He probably drew close to 15 cards. Delve with GD is amazing. He put all his indirect on messenger so i dropped him early. By this time i was looking at either doing 20 damage or something or milling 8 cards so i switched gears and got the mill victory. 5-2

R1 Reylo

Made 6th after swiss. And was paired up with the guy that crushed me in round 5. Won the roll off and picked his battlefield which i think is key to winning this matchup. All 3 games were very tight. Vs Reylo you are going to lose a droid beggining of round 2 almost every time if not the end of round 1. Game 3 got a little sloppy and we had 2 situations that needed a judgement. It came down to 3P0 with chewies blaster and dagger and rey and i was able to pull it out.

R2 Vader

Won the roll off and managed to avoid the fighting pit round 1. We played 2 incredibly close games, the first coming down to 3P0 and greedo and i won with 1 health remaining. Round 3 we were on the pit and R2 pulled out a miracle doing 2 damage and Vader rolled a blank. I feel like i had this wrapped up and then made a huge mistake. Vader had a 4 for 1 and i forgot about DoA. Activated chopper got killed. I was on tilt and forgot killing chopper gave him another dollar and he was able to wrap things up. I felt like I really let him off the hook here but he played great and these games were fantastic.

Was really pumped to do this well and to learn from the mistakes i made. This deck is fantastic and can do so many good things. Really hoping to put it all together and snag a win soon.

2 Kommentare

SugarShane006 1

What are your thoughts to running Fateful Companions instead of a second C-3PO - Perfect Gentleman dice?

JDunnSquadron216 137

@SugarShane006 It's high risk high reward in my opinion to play it like that. R2 is frequently the first target so you're only going to get 1 to 2 free uses out of the plot. Especially vs Reylo I think R2 is going to die end of round 1 or first action of round 2 80% of the time. I think every game in my top 8 best of 3 the Reylo player either had steadfast or polarity for the kill right after I activated R2 in round 2.

Once that occurs 3P0 has to pay a resource to boost a die, and then has to pay a resource to use the plot, and then another resource if you want to boost a 2nd die which you are probably never going to do unless it confirms a kill. The only sides of his die worth boosting at the point are the focus sides. With 2 dice I think that's a 55% shot vs a 33% shot with 1 die.

This is definitely a more methodical version of droids and I think the plot is totally worth it with Han droids. I think it's very important not to underestimate the value 3PO can get out of 2 dice. Several of my games in the top 8 came down to 3PO with Chewies blaster and Dagger and you need that focus to finish up the game.