Give me back my ZOMBIES!

Chancen: 0% – 0% mehr
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Nicht abgeleitet. Das ist ein selbst gemachtes Deck.
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Noch keine.

banshee 88

The goal here is to try to make the most use of disposable characters

There's not a lot of life without the damage redirection, so early removal and immediately healing any damage is key, because if grandma gets one-shotted that's a problem. Possessed is also a beast for removal as well as dealing damage, so if you can get that first turn on a vader-type character that makes preventing damage much more manageable.

I've found I'm short on money until after acceptable losses is played (hopefully round 2), so that's why Truce and Well-Connected are present. Ideally in an opening hand I'd want:

  • generation
  • Removal (Possessed if there's a money card
  • Healing/damage shuffling
  • Déjà Vu
  • A curse

Fun to play if you're a reactive player, because you're basincally constantly trying to undo any damage they do to you until Vow Of Vengeance does its thing. A dice game without any additional dice, but that seems to be the way things are going with crazy ewok decks.

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