Witches Gonna Hate

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Witches Gonna Hate 0 0 0 2.0

Izzy2x 130

2 Kommentare

maddenman 8

Why not one dice Old Daka so you don't have to run the crappy Allies of Necessity plot and also Daka becomes less of a target with 1 die? This puts the team at 26 points which leaves you with 4 points to run Bitter Rivalry (-1 to add a Zombie to the team), Force Flow, Order 66, Fortify, Preemptive Strike, Profitable Connection, Retribution, Stolen Intel or even Taking Ground? I've found that Daka's actual dice are pretty bad and it's totally worth sacrificing a dice to get another zombie out (with plot) or even a better plot - thoughts?

Izzy2x 130

@maddenman - your suggestion is valid. i think what I am going to run is Luce x2 and way of the force to get a 2nd Daka dice involved. The few times i attempted this, Daka got wiped pretty easily and there wasn't enough damage on the field to make it worth while. I seemed to make money easily enough, but couldn't put out enough damage without daka.