Jabba and Droid

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[DoF] Maul, but better 17 11 23 1.0
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Noch keine.

sawflow 21

2 Kommentare

Dice of Failure 822

I love the thought! Thanks for the shout, by the way!

One thing: the only real reason I had Rancorous was because of Greedo - Unlucky Mercenary's two blanks on each die. Without that, it's must less consistent, and you're probably better off with a Risky Move or Electroshock.

Let me know how this one feels! I've been reluctant to pair Iggy with anyone except another Bounty Hunter to have better odds for his PA, but I've also been too scared to give it a try.

Brickmaster 9

Iggy, Iggy, Iggy Can't You See, Sometimes Your Guns Just Hypnotize Me.