Witch zombie horde

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cjnj193 265

so yeah first attempt at some jank witch deck.

We got four copies of effectively pay 1 heal 3.

We got Talisman of Resurrection with redeploy because we can.

Acceptable Losses gives us some quick ramp, and we can get more value out of talisman both from the redeploy effect and we can resummon Zombies if needed.

Battlefield should probably be something that wont hurt us too bad, so Rift Valley - Dathomir or Nightsister Lair - Dathomir are probably best.

the curses seem surprisingly strong, getting to eat a character die or force them to skip playing things seems like really disruptive to what most decks want to do.

torn on including other unique upgrades, but since its only really sticks with modifier sides it doesnt really feel right at first glance, I would love to be wrong on that.

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