Something Stupid that Can OTK

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Something Stupid that Can OTK 2 2 0 2.0
8 Kommentare

Fresck 240

Oh please tell me you've done it... Please tell me your winrate is 50%+... Please tell me the DREAM IS REAL! :D

ferrsabs 78

Sorry I haven’t done it yet it needs more dice

Fresck 240

oh okay :(

Raspujuan 397

This deck dont have any sense... starting from the BF

ferrsabs 78

The battle field is supposed to be useless and it’s a meme deck. The name says it all

wynalazca 283

As much of a meme as this deck is, I could definitely see it being a viable 1st round OTK in infinite format lol. Friends in Low, 0 cost dice, run double down with tons of card draw. Rebel to play extra Scoping the Targets. Could actually work fairly well.

ferrsabs 78

Can’t do first turn because you need at least 10 dice and a ton of resources

wynalazca 283

Yeah, it's totally doable in infinite format I think.

Can definitely tweak this to find more resources if needed (don't need 12 dice total so could cut 2 of those and the 2 Insights for like 2 Fond Memories and 2 Mobilize, then use Premonitions on a Mobilize first, then put both back with fond memories to play the Control for free as well.) If Long Con wasn't errata'd this would be so easy it's not even funny.