The Sly Nute Wulf (Only found in the wild forests of Endor)

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master_shapiro 77

Welcome to another episode of master_shapiro in the wild and today we will look at the Sly Nute Wulf. Wow, just look at that mill and removal!

Suggestions wanted. Thank you!

7 Kommentare

maxwell9999 38

Really like this idea and want to try it out!

Just from a glance though I think you might be missing some key mitigation like The Best Defense..., Beguile and Forsaken. What is Secrets Laid Bare doing for you, don't you already get to see their hand with Wullf's PA?

master_shapiro 77

Yeah. those cards would probably be really helpful. the only reason why I didn't put Beguile is because the 2 cost and I'm just really careful with my resources. With Secrets Laid Bare I just wanted to make sure that when Wulf dies I can still see my opponent's hand

maxwell9999 38

it is good to be careful with resources, however your entire deck right now is 0 or 1 cost, and all of your characters have a resource side with nute having a +1 as well. I think you can afford 1 piece of good 2 cost mitigation at least?

master_shapiro 77

yeah your probably right. Thank you

General Vatutin 26

@master_shapiro hmmm where is no answer

General Vatutin 26

@master_shapiro also surprised no force jump for mitigation and to force rerolls

General Vatutin 26

@master_shapiro additionally, spell of removal would work well with dark scheme