Palp's Formidable Bounty Hunter

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Darth_JarJar 350

Don't underestimate the power of 1 die Palpatine - Unlimited Power! Pairing him with Boba allows this deck to have two heavy hitting characters. Also, Force Focus and Boba special can be a sneaky good combo to get damage. Definitely need 2 Force Storms, but I only had 1 at the time of playing this deck.

Went 3-1 in locals with this deck, and makes me think 1 die Palpatine decks are worth exploring!

Rd 1 - eCassian Andor - Rebellion Operative/ 2x Jedha Partisan - Win

Rd 2- eYoda - Wizened Master/eLeia Organa - Heart of the Resistance/Taking Ground - Loss

Rd 3 - Bye

Rd 4 - eCount Dooku - Darth Tyranus/eWatto - Stubborn Gambler - Win

1 Kommentar

Mr_Chip 58

I love Boba. I’m up to try any build which makes use of him. Thanks for posting.