Rebellions Are Built Around Main Characters

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SeventhSonGames1380 68

Amusing (for me) little deck I put together on a whim. Needs testing properly, but seems pretty consistent from my preliminary tests.

I'll try to explain all the cards, but a lot of them are rather self-explanatory anyway, so it'll be pretty light in some cases.

Let's start off with the Battlefield. A lot of people don't realise just how good this one is. Occupied City - Lothal can really limit your opponent and coupled with Jyn's ability which lets you rearrange the order of the top 3 cards in an opponent's deck, can be brutally efficient at removing upgrades, supports and mitigation. Since these characters have mostly 2 sides, I tended to win the battlefield around 75% of the time, and even if you don't win 2 shields is always helpful.

Jyn Erso - Daring Infiltrator and Han Solo - Savvy Smuggler max a fairly effective combination. Han's reroll capabilities come in useful for rerolling your own blanks or rerolling an opponent's die, and Jyn's ability is great for getting rid of annoying cards your opponent would draw into next round. Obviously, Cassian would be preferred, but I don't have him Elite.

Most of the upgrades are there for damage. In all my games, I only ever needed 1 or 2, but I mostly have a lot to make it easy to get one out turn One. A couple have nice bonuses though. Jyn Erso's Blaster. An incredibly helpful card. Not only can you reroll this dice, but also any number of Jyn's dice (so long as it's on her). Powerful sides as well, so definitely worth hard mulliganing for. Hidden Blaster. Shield removal. Really useful sometimes. Ascension Gun. Lets me use claim abilities on the opponent's battlefield, if it's something like Medical Centre, it's amazing.

In terms of events, there's a decent amount of mitigation in there for longevity, a bit of damage boosting and some cards designed to get off some unimitgatable damage. Hit and Run/Drop In/Quick Draw Activate and smash! Note that Drop In only works if the battlefield is Occupied City, hence why only one in in the deck. Quick Draw works best on Hidden Blaster, due to the Ambush. Field Medic Overused for a reason :) Cheap healing. Intense Fire You'll have a lot of red cards in play (Including Jyn), so usually an easy +2 to any damage side. Defensive Position This is a quick deck, so you'll usually have the battlefield. Don't use this sparingly! Use it to remove any 2+ side that could threaten your victory, even if it's only 1 dice. Confidence Underused and I don't know why. If you have no resources, force an opponent to resolve a side. No cards left? side! Only one base side and a TON of modifying damage side? Make them resolve the base damage. Revised Order Turn those usually useless 1 sides into 2 ranged sides, or those blanks into a resource (or a discard on Jyn). In The Crosshairs Expensive, yes, but when you can remove an entire board of dice, it can defintely be worth it.

Things to note: This deck is NOT tournament tested. It has NOT played against the likes of Vader/Greedo and Yoda/Leia. Yes, you can force opponents to resolve Disrupt and Discard sides, even if there is nothing to disrupt/discard. This deck is meant for Standard or Infinite gameplay, NOT Legacies.

Comments and constructive critisism appreciated!

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