Caught while Sleeping

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jaime_sinclair 10

Swords and guns are for sissies. Get'em while they're sleeping. =D

by Jaime the Hutt

Money money money... Must be funny in the rich Hutt's world.

All the things I could do if I had a little money, it's a rich Hutt's world...

4 Kommentare

StaticCat 40

Nice deck, my only question is why no Buy Out to end it that way as well just in case god forbid your Crime Lord either get discarded or countered.


StaticCat 40

Hahaha nevermind I missed the Buy Out - lol a very good deck :)

jaime_sinclair 10

@StaticCat Thanks for the comments. The deck is perhaps lacking a #Déjà Vu, but I'm worning on it, trying to figure out if that is the case or not. =)

Kamikaze_Dreamer138 1

All that money should be able to pay for a Vader's Fist