Quigon/Aayla Bitter Jedi ($$$ version)

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existonfile 57

Wanted a partner for new QuiGon that wasn't the typical blue support (Yoda). Aayla gives some sticks of her own and even has focus and light mitigation on her special. Balance of the Force means we have to take a -1 plot, made a Solidarity list as well but I feel like the 2 dmg from Bitter Rivalry isn't a huge drawback especially if you get Steadfast in your opening hand. QuiGon feels like a true 'big' when he has his shields up, keep him loaded to get max value from your dice.

$$$ Version of the deck adds a Dagger of Mortis and 2x Force Speeds. If you have the extra $125 I think this version moves quicker and hits harder.

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