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Social Enemy 157

The latest iteration of deck type that started all the way back in Awakenings: the Red-Yellow Shooty-Shoot deck. This time we've got our good friend Poe Dameron - More Than A Pilot with newcomer pilot Han Solo - Independent Hotshot. Poe brings in red and control, while Han brings in Yellow and the most important aspect of all: Neutrality.

Both Poe Dameron - More Than A Pilot and Han Solo - Independent Hotshot have good sides to them, with , , and sides that provide control, defense, and more resources. Between them, Maz's Vault and Truce, there's no reason you should ever be hungry.

Our weapons are your standard supply with a couple of newcomers being Black Sun Blaster Pistol and Handheld L-S1 Cannon. Our Events bring all the good yellow removal cards, including the spot-a-neutral Indifferent. Hit and Run and Grand Entrance lets your activate your characters with style. And our Emperor's Throne Room - Death Star II lets you end your action phase with a .

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