Fastest deck in town ?

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FOS-Jango-Snoke 0 0 0 2.0

Maastricht 13

Maybe the fastest deck in town. but hey, what do i know, I'm new to the game :p

Haven't seen the combination of these dudes yet. So maybe i am on to something, or its just terrible :)

I was playing a Cad-Snoke deck and then came up with this idea. Just load up Jango with an ambush weapon. Use the ambush to play a 0 cost support and let the opponent activate a character. then activate Jango and resolve/snoke :)

In case the opponent stalls then just activate First order. Jango will be even more deadly by the time something will activate on the opponent side.

Local Garrison and Salvage stand are used to slow the monies on the other side down... I tried to use as many 0 cost event cards as possible...

5 Kommentare

GregtheBiz 391

Why so many 1-ofs for weapons? Or is that just the package you own?

Maastricht 13

still testing out which one i like best :)

the BEAST 1128

Hello @Maastricht. I’ve been playing Jango for a long time, but never used him with WotF. I do dig the character pairings, but I have a couple of suggestions regarding the card choices. The starting damage output is fairly low, so you need the best guns in the game. I recommend 2x Holdout Blaster, 2x DH-17 Blaster Pistol, 2x X-8 Night Sniper, 2x Hidden Blaster, 2x E-11 Blaster, and 2x LL-30 Blaster Pistol. I like the idea of Training which goes well with Snoke so I’d make it a 2-of. Force Speed should also be included as a 2-of (if you own 2). In order to make the deck faster, Tactical Mastery would be a nice add. We Have Them Now is also a card you’d like to look at. Salvage Stand is definitely a good pick, and Honed Skills looks good if you use the 6 redeploys. For better economy, perhaps a couple Truce/Prepare for War could be nice. Bait and Switch would also work well. For your removal, I suggest cutting Electroshock as Jango will probably be the target. Hidden Motive and Mislead I would make 2-ofs. Hasty Exit and He Doesn't Like You are good picks. The Best Defense... would be extremely strong here, especially against mill. Good luck with the deck, looking forward to this!

the BEAST 1128

Actually went ahead and built a version:

x2 DH-17 Blaster Pistol x2 E-11 Blaster x2 Force Speed x2 Hidden Blaster x2 Holdout Blaster x2 LL-30 Blaster Pistol x1 Training

x2 Honed Skills x2 Salvage Stand

x2 Bait and Switch x2 Doubt x2 He Doesn't Like You x2 Hidden Motive x2 Prepare for War x2 The Best Defense... x1 We Have Them Now

I’ll be play testing this deck cause it looks fun ;)

Maastricht 13

Awesome thanks for the tips!