Snoke Doggy Dawgs (Top 4 - 27 Players SC 12/08)

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SnoMandos: store champ runner up 2 1 0 1.0
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Noch keine.

kjavis 50

Placed 3rd at NLG Ringwood SC Melbourne AU

Premise was planning to go podracing becuase its quite fun but given the popularity and some angst from community decided to play something different since already placed 2nd twice in previous SCs so getting the playmat was not priority. Slapped this deck together hours before the SC. Snoke - Supreme Leader is the V8 engine, provides focuses and PA to Mandalorian Super Commando and Executioner. Sith Holocron and Chance Cube for paper cuts and bouncing back into hand against mill. Enrage was great for hard casting 3drops and providing extra $ to pay Hondo specials.

Went 4-1 in swiss, 1-0 top 8, and 0-2 in top 4 against the eventual winner

Had no reps so definitely room for improvement, possible change is take out holocron suite for 2 and 3 drop weapons

W vs eYoda/eLeia2 - Big all in play dropped Yoda early and eventually Leia with couple cards left in deck

L vs eSnoke/eCad - Cads action ability was too much, did 8dmg in one roll that took down Snoke, it was a uphill battle from there

W vs eYoda/eHondo - Took down Yoda early, then kept resources up using cube to pay Hondo, won on time

W vs eJabba2/eAnakin1 - Enraged first round to drop Riot and FILP which led to 9dmg on Jabba, next round PA Executioner to finish off Jabba which was pretty much game

W vs eYoda/eCass - Tight game, took down Yoda first, was able to finish off Cass with no cards in hand and deck but did had option to bounce cube back in hand if needed

W vs eSnoke/eThrawn - Another tight game, took down Snoke first, 2nd to last round I claimed, guy played Witch Magik with Thrawn on 11 and drew all evens, very bad luck. Next round I drop Armor Plating on Mando for the paper cut win

L vs eYoda/eHondo/ (0-2) - Top 4 against buddy play with in local store, same deck played earlier in day, but different result. Force Illusion, Second Chance, Lone Operative and Jump were in full swing, its like banging your head on a brick wall, GG deserved winner of the day

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