Aphra's Droid Army

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jeezjobis 80

This is my version of an Aphra Droid deck for trilogies, although it does have the oompf to compete vs. standard decks.

This deck pushes for a high health pool between its 3 characters, and because of all the indirect you do to yourself to get your combos going you're going to need it.

This deck lives or dies on how quickly you get out 0-0-0 or BT-1 and if you had to choose only one to get out round one, choose 0-0-0. With him, a lot of your self indirect-dealing cards become a lot more efficient and start to put pressure on your opponent. Nothings as satisfying as using Dangerous Manuveur to heal off Aphra, killing off your Greedo to trigger his ability while also drawing a card and dealing a guaranteed 1-indirect.

As far as playing the deck goes, there is one main point. Don't. Let. Aphra. Die. You need to keep her around as long as possible since her abilities are your draw engine and economy when paired with Reprogram. Her shields are also vital. This deck also does well in an Easy Pickings, mass removal world, since you just roll and immediately resolve with all your supports. Only flexible slot is Modified HWK, in games where you are ahead you can afford it, but otherwise you should have most of your combo set up already before you use it (0-0-0, BT-1, Bubble Shield) Try it out and let me know what you think! If you go off, you have the potential to do 14 damage first round, so theres something to strive for.

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