eRose/Gungan/eAnakin2 - Vehicles - Long-Term-Plan - Help?

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Hessian Sack 1338

This is what I'm going to build when WotF is available to me (I'm in Australia). I'd love to hear your advise. When AtG is released, I think I'll try a Finn - First Order Defector/Rose - Skilled Mechanic with TIE Fighters :P

9 Kommentare

Crumpet_of_Conquest 101

This will be interesting to play against when you build it.

Razelll 244

I would use Rally Aid over Nature's Charm and Righteous Cause, and Tech Team over one of your resource generation cards. So either Prized Goods, Smuggler's Run, or Well-Connected. Also Weapons Factory Alpha - Cymoon 1 is the best battlefield for vehicle decks.

I hope this will help you with your deck build. Just a question, when does WoTF come out for you?

Hessian Sack 1338

@Razelll I'd definitely be using Rally Aid and Tech Team if it wasn't Trilogy format.

I've had a really hard time finding out when it comes for us. Most of the official Australian FFG distributors don't stock Destiny...

Razelll 244

@Hessian Sack Sorry, I didn't know you where making a trilogy deck, that does make sense though. lol

Hum, that is weird. I hope it gets released for you guys at some point.

Hessian Sack 1338

@Razelll all good. I hope so too. I only have a few cards I want, so I'll probably buy singles, but shipping costs heaps if I want to buy from America.

I may be getting an elite Wedge Antilles - Squad Leader. What do you think of eWedge/Rose/Ezra? Or should I just have him with Rose - Skilled Mechanic elite instead (eRose/Wedge/Ezra).

Razelll 244

@Hessian Sack I like eRose/Wedge/Ezra better, cuz if you have eWedge they will obviously go after him. If you have eRose then it is a fifty fifty on who they go after. But either way you will have an eRose or a Wedge with his power action.

H.Sack 64

@Razelll cool. Thanks for the input! what do you think of Millennium Falcon in a non-WotF version of the deck?

Razelll 244

@H.Sack Do you mean non-trilogy? I like the new Falcon better than the old Falcon. I do think it is good but they both might cost to much to if you don't have Rally Aid since it is a trilogy. If you ran non-trilogy I think you should run the new Millennium Falcon.

Hessian Sack 1338

@Razelll yeah I meant non-Trilogy :P I've been testing it with eRose - Skilled Mechanic/Finn - Soldier of Necessity/Ezra Bridger - Force-sensitive Thief in a deck with 2 Rally Aids and two Tech Teams. It's heaps of fun with C-3PO's action...