Kartenziehsimulation |
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mikemcgoo 10
Tuned a bit from other gungan lists. I found that the deck rarely claims so gave that up in favour of a higher control suite which involves cheaper removal at the cost of your own dice, which TBH aren’t great anyways. I’ve found the deck is a slow, continuous burn with control that includes jarjar’s ability so decided to capitalize on that with more removal and ways to get out big, heavy hitting supports and boosting your indirect damage. Previous deck did really well in testing (for a gungan deck) and regularly lost by 2-5 damage, cut cards I rarely used like blaze of glory and dumb luck in favour of ones that let me remove more dice instead of damage sides as specials are more common. Thinking of cutting the freighter and aftermath depending on resource generation in favour of vandalize/suppression fire, but I haven’t tested this list yet. Other than that it’s one of the most fun decks I’ve played in a while, please feel free to suggest changes!!
Record for previous deck which had some jankier cards was: 1-1 boba phasma, games were both close 0-2 vs kylo/price, games again got down to about 3-4 damage remaining in him after some consistent kylo pulls and using force illusion on 6 indirect on catapult twice 1-1 vs cad/Snoke, again games came down to a couple damage remaining on each team and a big misplay by each of us (he hit my hand early instead of damage and end game I didn’t activate jarjar when Snoke was showing 2 force speed specials and two focus sides on Snoke).