Rex Vehicle

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RebelTraitor 259

Is this a good idea or am I stupid? The main point is to use Rex to take weapons factory and dump vehicles onto the board. Please give me feedback, it helps us all improve.

3 Kommentare

Razelll 244

I think it is a great idea. But I think you need Tech Team and Hailfire Droid Tank. I don't think Hyperspace Jump is ever going to work, or be worth it to play over another vehicle. The other 2 cards I would take out would be the Fang Fighter and Friends in Low Places.

Crshaner 108

If you are running Rex, Hasty Exit should be in there

RebelTraitor 259

@Crshaner you need to control the battlefield for the discount effect so it doesn't work as well. @Razelll I totally forgot tech team lol. Droid Tank is really bad in my opinion, and jump is nescasary for the battlefield. Thanks for the feedback, I'll test it out.