Once Upon a Time in Mexico

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Big_Campy 384

8 Kommentare

MoldyCrow84 1

This deck can be scary especially if you get Rex's Blaster out. Maybe add another?

netherspirit 32

What’s with ridiculous deck names?

Iness 1

I like the name "Coat Bro's" or maybe "Sweet Jackets". Or how about "Guys with Tequila"?

chazz 157

Probably won't be playing Way of the Light in the new hero dominated meta that will spring up/continue. I also reckon a second Rex Pistol is ace.

DarthVincentius 42

@netherspirit I always try to make a catchy name for my decks if I cant find a good one. Like Jabba/Unkar I call Hungry Hippos or The Double Fatty Strati (strategy pun).

For this deck, I know, like 99% sure, Diego Luna (Cassians actor) is actually from Mexico. Oscar Isaac (Poe) might be hispanic. I dont know. Once Upon A Time in Mexico is also a real movie title.

Big_Campy 384

@MoldyCrow84I never like running two copies of a Unique upgrade, though Rex's blaster does allow for rolling in both characters off of Hit and Run or Quick Draw. Maybe I will give it a shot. @chazz Kylo is still played heavily and maybe even more so now with Arihnda Pryce - Unscrupulous Governor and Snoke - Supreme Leader. I was running Honor Guard but switched to get some more grey in the deck. I could still tweak some things around maybe as far as removal goes to get a better split of colors.

RebelTraitor 259

why only one dl-44?

Big_Campy 384

@RebelTraitor this was an early version with trying out special chaining into the Special on the CR-2 Heavy Blaster. I think 2x DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol is better over all. I also dropped 1 Easy Pickings added a Honor Guard and switched the battlefield to Docking Bay - Finalizer.