AckSaw // Rebellion Leaders

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niftynick 519

Made this for a friend to try but need to publish it to share it easily. This is a mixed mill and damage list that is probably going to be sort of hard to pilot.

The game plan is something like this:

  • I'd want to see some mix of C-3PO and Chance Cube in the opening hand to start building resources and set up for later. The rest, hope for some kind of mitigation that you can use - Easy Pickings, Honor Guard, or Field Medic. If you know you have Hasty or Defensive Position in your opener and you win the roll, take your field.

  • Resolve sides on Ack when you get the chance, looking to wear down their hand. Use Commando Raid to maximize it when you can. They'll likely have to play a card or two per round, which means you'll need to dig through 3. There are a couple tools here to help: Commando Raid, Friends in Low Places, Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder, and Bespin Wing Guard are the straight forward enablers. C-3PO is another, since you can resolve sides as anything you can resolve any side as a - especially useful with the Chance Cube and Rebellion Leader sides, but if you're getting closer to a mill win than a damage, you can also use it on Saw's indirect sides. Scout is a cheap upgrade that will hopefully just be a discard each turn too.

  • C-3PO is one of the most important and hardest things to learn here and he's insanely strong. Remember: You can resolve any side as anything. Damage if you are within killing distance (take that 3 on Chance Cube, now it's 3), discard if you are within mill or can trigger Ackbar, resources if you need money for some big event, s if you need to survive an attack...

  • Mitigate as you need to. Claim as often as you can so you can make use of Hasty Exit and Defensive Position. Between Easy Pickings and Defensive Position, you have some big turns of removal so use em. The last option, which you can use whenever they start to really stack up upgrades (maybe Round 3 or 4), is Fall Back. You don't really need anything except the Second Chance, if it's out. You can also bounce the Chance Cube by not paying it before you Fall Back so you can keep it and play it for free after. Fall Back can reset them basically back to the start and be brutal against lists that want to build a lot of upgrades to overrun you.

  • If your field is the chosen one, you want it to be their last card. Ideally you build your board into 2 Planetary Uprisings and can discard them to 1 in hand with Ackbar alive. Claiming then becomes 6 damage. Cheesy but effective. If your field isn't chosen, New Orders can get it back and get a free discard. Play it, then if you can claim for 2 discard total. Learning when you can claim early is going to be another big aspect of this; the best situation is if you find their dice are in bad spots and they have one card in hand then you can claim and force bad dice since they can't re-roll and deal 2 damage with Ackbar.

  • Saw's special is pretty much for their hand as another discard and you can resolve the Indirect sides if they leave em alone. And if you know they have expensive targets, bonus. If you know that your last card is a Fall Back or Rebellion Leader, then you can use it on your own hand for 4- so that's nice too.

  • It's a Trap! is a card. I have no idea how well it will work here but I put it in because it's thematic. Probably most effective to turn to sides showing . It was errata'd a while back, so keep that in mind as it won't read like the card. It lost Ambush and it's only two dice... so yeah. Sucks but it'll probably be useful every now and then.

  • Planetary Uprising is a pain and this will hopefully highlight it's strength. If you end up a round where their last character has has 3-4 life and you have 2 out, all you have to do in a round is claim. It's a total cheese move, but it could win some games.


  • Ackbar is a squishy fish. If they focus him, he might not last. Buuut that will let you save up for a Second Chance to keep Saw alive a bit longer and you don't lose any spot Red really. The general plan doesn't change too too much if either goes down early, it just gets slightly harder. Indirect and Planetary become the main sources of damage without Ackbar, but they were kind of the general plan anyways.
  • The cost curve is skewed a lot to 1. Without an early Chance Cube or resolving a couple resource sides, you miiiight run out of things to do to avoid damage early.
  • Not enough mitigation. Could be a problem against stronger rolls, but attacking their hand is going to hurt if they are rolling mediocre or poor. So hopefully you can capitalize on their bad rolls and use those wider removals to be a real pain.
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