Hello, daddy. Hello, mom. (TOP-8 Regional Campina Grande-PB)

Chancen: 0% – 0% mehr
Abgeleitet von
Nicht abgeleitet. Das ist ein selbst gemachtes Deck.
Inspiration für
Noch keine.

gleydson 38


  • RODADA 1: Rieekan/Rey/Wookie - Venci millando o adversário usando a habilidade do Vader, os dos droides e o Campo de Batalha dele contra ele.
  • RODADA 2: Rainbow 5's - Derrota
  • RODADA 3: eQuigon/eKanan - Vitória
  • RODADA 4: Rainbow 5's - Vitória
  • RODADA 5: R2P2 - Vitória
  • RODADA 6: EmoKids - Derrota
  • TOP-8: R2P2 - Derrota. O campeão do Regional venceu por 2x1.

Depois de jogar o regional, eu adicionaria um segundo #Deflect no lugar do It Binds All Things.

  • ROUND 1: Rieekan/Rey/Wookie - Win milling the opponent by using Vader's ability, the from the droids and his Battlefield against him.
  • ROUND 2: Rainbow 5's - Loss
  • ROUND 3: eQuigon/eKanan - Win
  • ROUND 4: Rainbow 5's - Win
  • ROUND 5: R2P2 - Win
  • ROUND 6: EmoKids - Loss
  • TOP-8: R2P2 - Loss. The Winner of Regional wins by 2x1.

After playing the regional, I would add a second Deflect replacing It Binds All Things.

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