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Madnapali 34
Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch is likely the best villain card in this set, so all my good Trilogy builds have been using her. Here is the more consistent and controlling of the two I enjoy so far.
The deck works best by flooding the board with cheap dice. It winds up being more than your opponent can handle. You then use the Fragmentation Grenades, blank sides, or surplus focus sides to get 4 indirect from Tarkin's power action. The frag grenades need never be resolved unless one of them hits the three and you can buy it back OR benefit from the increased damage late game.
Crystal Ball is an auto include in Talzin decks but it helps with focus chaining and resource production. Same goes for Dark Counsel. Hunting Rifle fits the cheap garbage die profile but can be focused into a bit extra damage.
From here, they all make great targets for Sith Temple - Malachor Sudden Impact, and Fight Back.
Talzin has many options here but her best is getting the 2 focus from Tarkin - Grand Moff. He can then create whatever you need whether that be guaranteeing his power action, getting supplies, 4+ ranged from Talzin & Hunting Rifle, etc. You can focus chain into burst damage or just get that last little bit to kill off a near death character.
The deck requires strategic awareness and pace control so be sure to activate Tarkin first in most scenarios. Since there are no supports, be careful how you play your actions since Flank is an essential removal card. It has worked out well for me as dropping a 1 cost upgrade to use a first action happens quite often.
As with my Hondo/Talzin deck, the removal is a bit weak in the 1 cost department. It is better to spike down a character as fast as possible, defending yourself only when necessary. At least we have Battle Fatigue, Fight Back with crap dice, Mislead, and Recon. If cornered you can always try to Crystal Ball your opponent's deck into a blank die.
Tactical Mastery is a huge help when you need to get out of a bad situation as it opens up your options. Superior Position may get another copy after more play testing as the rounds seem to go pretty quick with no supports and little variety in dice sides, leading to more claims.
Talzin usually draws aggro here and it tends to fall apart without her. Witch Magick can give her a max of 6 more health, but your non-crystal ball upgrades to Tarkin first. You can resolve or power action them before activating her if you get a good roll. If not you will have plenty of options for her ability and any focus dice on the table.
Finally, Stolen Intel gets an extra card to your hand and in fact has gotten me a Crystal Ball where there was none prior. Fortify is a fine option but I will stick with the extra card.
In my experience, Nightsister Coven was extremely inconsistent. I determined it to be a waste of both 1 supply and an action. Especially since Yoda - Wizened Master is such a huge part of the meta - it is worthless against him.