One Punch Vader |

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Vader Forces Roger 0 0 0 1.0

TheHyperloops 3691

This deck is featured on Evolving with Legacies #3 article, you can find the deck tech here:

1 Kommentar

Bgartz29 3

I have been looking to use Vader again for some time, and when I saw this deck I had to try it.

This deck works way more than I thought it would. Only one game did I not get the Maul Saber turn 1. Vader turn 1 with a Maul Saber is a monster.

I made some small tweaks to the list here. I dropped 1x Force Illusion, 1x Rise Again and 2x Legacies for 2x Boundless Ambition and 2x Chance Cube.

I was having trouble getting resources so the chance cube helped there and the deck just didn't flow right without boundless.

I think I may need to add a Legacies or two back into the deck, but not sure what to take out. Maybe only going with one chance cube and one legacies.

I plan on playing this deck a lot more to see what else works and doesn't. Thanks for the initial idea and deck list.