Mace and the mechanic

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Mace and the mechanic 2 1 0 0 2.0

Larsvk 42

Why rose? Because she is good for resources, and her ability may be useful to keep suppression field on the board a little longer. Play force focus on Rose to turn opponent dice, load mace with electrostaff to mitigate his 4 Melee resources cost.

5 Kommentare

LukePM1776 99

I have a similar deck. Take Hit and Run out for another Leadership! I would ditch Defend and Dive for 2x Into the Garbage Chute. I think 2x Cautions is a must; I would ditch deflect; High Ground can only be played if you control the battlefield and Defensive Position is a strictly better card.

Ramin2-D2 550

@LukePM1776 agree with all. @larsvk maybe add Force Speed if possible,

dnanis 14

Have you considered Resilient?

LukePM1776 99

@dnanis I think that is a meta call. If you expect mill or heavy control decks, Resilient is a must; however, in my area people typically play heavy aggro such as Sabine, Kylo2, Obi-wan Maz, and those decks don't run much mitigation.

dnanis 14

what about 74-Z Speeder Bike ?