e-Thrawn / Maul

Chancen: 0% – 0% mehr
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Nicht abgeleitet. Das ist ein selbst gemachtes Deck.
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Noch keine.

Cobara 68

Gain as many resources as you can off of Thrawns character dice, using the focus when needed in order to put upgrades on Maul. Disrupt your opponent's plans using Thrawn's ability and focussing to Lure of Power's 2-side combined with a single or double discard. Imperial Inspection can be used upon activating Thrawn if you roll a disrupt to immediately get rid of a 2, 1 or 0-cost upgrade. When you have enough dice and roll a single focus or datapad special, you can use All-In to get a massive hit. (one-shot a full health Dooku in this manner). Alternatively, if you see the opponent has no removal in his hand after looking at it with Thrawn's ability, you can slowly focus into the damage rather than using All In. Remember that your 2-focus side on Thrawn can focus into his other dice's 2-focus side for a total of 3 dice.

2 Kommentare

schirlek 20

Why wouldnt you put mauls lightsaber in this deck???

Cobara 68

No redeploy, no control. Prefer to keep removal / heal / redeploy on all my dice cards.