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garza 8
Hello everyone. This is my take on the modern palp deck that I took to the norcal regionals in November. We had 72 players show up from all over and it was a ton of fun. Definitely a good first regional tournament experience.
You will notice that it is missing certain so called "must have" cards, but I did ok without them. I basically looked at my local meta and went with something that would do well against those decks. I feel our local players in Fresno are very strong(3 top 8 and 2 top 4) and the testing I did with this build yielded positive results. The concept is simple.. Depending on opponent you either go heavy on shielding, healing and mitigation, or you go hard on damage with hard mulligan for no mercy. If you run into a holocron/upgrade duo, keep it. otherwise let them draw naturally during the game.
feel free to ask questions if you have any. thanks