I've got a Mace

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Tocu_Ivlace 1

Its a very simple deck. Always go for the Shoto Lightsaber or Lightsaber Pull. Shoto Lightsaber gives you more hitting power and keeps you alive. One on Mace is good two is great.

Force Illusion is used to keep trooper alive longer to keep Mace alive. Troopers die isn't very useful over all, so Caution is used to give it more use.

The battle field is used to keep Honor Guard in play as much as possible. And Luke's Protection is a counter to mill decks and keeps the Mace himself alive.

Round one Roll in Mace before placing attachments. Eight damage is always better than putting one up grade on Mace. After that roll its all about getting Shoto Lightsaber on mace and keeping Mace alive.

6 Kommentare

golike 1

With access to red, Electrostaff is great for Mace. I'd rather have that than a Shoto or Lightsaber.

Tocu_Ivlace 1

Shoto Lightsaber is one of the easiest and fastest ways to keep Mace alive. Also it can be used offensively. The Electrostaff is offensive only and with 19 health you need all the life you can get. Ive thought about removing a Lightsaber and Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber for some Electroshock.

golike 1

The only thing is Shoto needs another blue weapon to enable its ability. In my experience playing with Mace, resources are really tight. Have you found that you've been able to pay for multiple of these 2-3 cost upgrades in addition to being able to resolve his 4-melee side when it comes up?

Tocu_Ivlace 1

With the way I've been playing it, I have had zero trouble getting Mace's 4 side the resource. The trick is to not put the upgrade on till the end of the round. Sounds counter productive but I've got a lot of good play and reliability. Using Destiny to get out a Shoto Lightsaber or Master of the Council early as round one.

derk3211 1

Great deck Tocu. I have no caution or Handcrafted light bow's. Any suggestions? Thank You.

Tocu_Ivlace 1

@derk3211 You can use Sound The Alarm for caution. As for Handcrafted Light Bow you can use any blue weapons like a second Rey's Lightsaber and Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber. Or Ancient Lightsaber as I don't have any to put in the deck and is one of the best cards in the game.