5-Wide Villain - Artificery Constructed 11/11/17 Top 4

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Nicht abgeleitet. Das ist ein selbst gemachtes Deck.
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Top 4 Austin 50 person Regionals 11/25 - Rainbow Ree (5's) 11 9 3 1.0

TheBeard1808 108

Took this deck to a 4-1 Swiss finish. After some thought about how the day went, here are some changes I already have in mind, listed here: http://swdestinydb.com/deck/view/376248

Swiss Rounds (can't quite remember exact order)

eKylo2/Grievous - Lost of BobbySapphire of the Hyperloops (I found this a little intimidating :P), but learned from my mistakes and used that info to play better against the second Kylo2/Grievous deck I faced later

eJango/ePhasma - Good game. 5-wide is slow but my opponent was never goaded into activating Jango early

eSabine/eEzra - This was the closest game, it came down to both of us on our last couple cards. He got unlucky, and I rolled exactly what I needed for the win. Exciting match, great game of destiny

eHan/eRey - Another fun game, and if I remember correctly I got some really good rolls and was able to kill Han quite early in the match

Overall I feel like I learned from my loss and mistakes as the games went on. I got to the top 4, which was the first time I've ever made the top cut in a tournament like this, so that was an exciting milestone for me. I played the eventual winner, running Sister/Guard/Gamorrean, in the best-of-3 match. Unfortunately, I didn't quite know how to handle all that guardian ability, and my deck rolled lots of modified sides, with anything else guardian'd away. I did a little better second match, but it was pretty clear to me who was going to win in both matches. My opponent went on to beat another 5-dice deck in the finals, going 2-1 for a 4-1 record in the top cut.

After a day of play, I definitely had some modifications to make (new deck listed at the top of the page). Deflect is too one-trick to be comfortable to me now that characters like Cad Bane are out of the meta (and Sabine is generally too fast for it anyway). I'd maybe consider it as a one-of, but if sister goes down or you're playing melee, it's a dead card. On the Hunt is out, because I'd rather have something doing more damage (like X-8), and Intimidate is just faster by not relying on paying one to play it and then waiting for a special. Salvage stand might have done me some good in every game, so it's in the new list. Hunker down is probably just on the bubble, but ultimately I'd rather have the X-8 for more damage and ambush. Rend is in the new list because it would have been nice to Rend a holocron/force speed or two. In the new list, I'd like to experiment with confiscation a bit. I didn't deal with a lot of redeploy, but this deck makes decent money and could be worth it to have it as at least a one-of. As for battlefield, the other 5-dice in the top 4 played B'Omarr Monastery - Teth, an idea I find interesting. There were times (especially against the guardian deck) where I'd have modifiers left on the table. It could be useful.

I think/hope I covered most of it. I'm not the most experienced when it comes to deck writeups, so I hope this all makes sense. Overall it was a fun tournament and I really like that Artificery is putting on regular online events.

3 Kommentare

hoopjones 2

Nice. This was my version I built when the set first dropped.


I like your use of hunker down and force illusion.

TheBeard1808 108

@hoopjones Yeah, it's a lot of fun and gets more and more dice out fast

hoopjones 2

Also relby is really good...not as insane vs. 2 char builds but vs 3 it's absolutely incredible