Grand Sisterhood of the Travelling Sabers

Chancen: 0% – 0% mehr
Abgeleitet von
eGrand Inquisitor/Seventh Sister 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration für
Noch keine.

dough54321 139

Here's my take on these two crazy peeps.

The idea is to use the Sith Holocron to get weapons out for cheap, especially the Grand Inquisitor's Lightsaber. Use mitigation to control the board, turn their to "-" and then use the on Grand Inquisitor - Sith Loyalist to deal unblockable damage.

Seventh Sister - Agile Inquisitor can be used to roll in extra ID9 Seeker Droids, which is pretty cool.

May not be a Tier 1 deck, but a fun casual deck. Feel free to comment.

2 Kommentare

RobGoblin 1

Sith Holocron only works on blue abilities, it won't work for weapons.

Easystreet31 1

Great deck name. Lol